

Color Psychology Color psychology is the study that shows how our brain identifies and transforms colors into sensations. The influence of colours can be observed in advertising, in the decoration of houses and offices, in fashion, in the way in which we would like to be seen, among others. Colour plays an important role in how your brand is perceived. Whether you're a fashion brand trying to connect with a young audience or a medical supply store trying to build customer confidence, you can study the meaning of colors to help you attract and better connect with your ideal customer. Color psychology can be used to help build a strong, easy-to-identify brand. In this article, we will explain what color psychology is and educate you about the meanings of the most popular colors used. ¿What is color psychology? Color psychology is the study of colors in relation to human behavior. Its objective is to determine how color affects our daily decisions, such as the


The color white The meaning of white color is related to an inherently positive color, associated with purity, virginity, innocence, light, goodness, heaven, security, brilliance, enlightenment, understanding, cleanliness, faith, principles, sterility, spirituality, possibility, humility, sincerity, protection, softness, and perfection.  White color may represent a successful start. In heraldry, white represents faith and purity. As opposed to black, films, books, print media, and television often represent the good in white and the bad in black. The color of snow, white , is often used to represent coldness and simplicity. White's association with cleanliness and sterility is often seen in hospitals, medical centers and laboratories to communicate safety. White is also associated with low-fat foods and dairy products. For the human eye, white is a bright, brilliant color that can cause headaches. In cases of extremely bright light, white can even be blindi


The color khaki The color khaki has very curious things, and one of them is that it is not really defined, that is to say, what for a person is khaki, for another may not be. This happens for several reasons that we will explain in this article, but we also tell you more curiosities that will surprise you. The origin of the color khaki The color khaki has history and meaning. The word has Persian origin, derived from the word knak which means dust. The color khaki is widely applied in uniforms of armies around the world, for its camouflage power. The color is also used in interior design found in walls, curtains and carpets. There are variants of the khaki color that can go from the light tone to the darkest. It promotes a feeling of comfort and convenience, within a classic proposal. In the old days, soldiers used to stain their uniforms with dust in order to camouflage themselves, that is, to "fit" better with the environment around them, and i


Chromatic circle or color wheel The chromatic circle is used for classification and for understanding color theory and is generally used to study pigment-colors. A chromatic circle is a type of wheel on which different colors are placed, corresponding to the three basic degrees of the chromatic universe: primary , secondary and tertiary . The primary colors are three in number: cyan (blue), magenta (red) and yellow. In this circle also appear secondary colors, represented by green, purple and orange. Finally, tertiary colors arise from the marriage between a primary color and its complementary color. In order to determine the complementary colors, the diametrically opposed colors such as yellow and violet are marked in the circle. ¿What is the chromatic circle for? The chromatic circle or color circle is used to identify a range of tones, as well as to indicate their concordance or possible cohabitation . In this circle, we also determine the cool colors (from


¿What is color theory? Color theory is a set of principles used to create a mixture of colors and determine the visual effects it produces on sight and senses. Color theory provides common ground for understanding how colors can be used, organized, coordinated, mixed, and related. Therefore, it is about the mixing of colors and visual effects of color, made by Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Goethe , among others. Color wheel The traditional color wheel is based on the 12 colors found in the visible spectrum. It is a basic tool for combining or mixing colors and an easy way to understand how colors relate to each other. A color wheel has three different types of colors; Primary , Secondary , and Tertiary.  Primary colors  ( red , yellow , and blue ) cannot be created with other colors. Primary colors can be used to make the  secondary colors  (green, orange, and purple). Secondary color combinations can be used to make the  tertiary colors  (yellow-orange, red-o