Chromatic circle or color wheel The chromatic circle is used for classification and for understanding color theory and is generally used to study pigment-colors. A chromatic circle is a type of wheel on which different colors are placed, corresponding to the three basic degrees of the chromatic universe: primary , secondary and tertiary . The primary colors are three in number: cyan (blue), magenta (red) and yellow. In this circle also appear secondary colors, represented by green, purple and orange. Finally, tertiary colors arise from the marriage between a primary color and its complementary color. In order to determine the complementary colors, the diametrically opposed colors such as yellow and violet are marked in the circle. ¿What is the chromatic circle for? The chromatic circle or color circle is used to identify a range of tones, as well as to indicate their concordance or possible cohabitation . In this circle, we also determine the cool colors (from