Cold colors

Cold colors are those colors that are associated with ice, water, the moon, which transmit the sensation of cold. The three basic cold colors are blue, violet (or purple) and green.

Cold colors

Color temperature

This denomination was created by the German psychologist Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), according to research on the sensations of the human being before certain colors.

Therefore, the psychologist determined the "Color Temperature", according to the sensations of heat or cold, where the "hot colors", which transmit heat, are associated with the sun and denote dynamism, movement and vivacity.

On the contrary, the so-called "fresh colors" associated with unity and cold correspond to introspection, attitudes and seriousness, while originating feelings of relaxation and tranquillity in beings.

Circle of colors

The color circle of the wheel or color is formed by twelve colors of the spectrum, where three primary colors coexist (red, blue, yellow), three secondary colors (green, orange, purple, or violet), and six tertiary colors (red-purple, red - orange, yellow-greenish, yellow-orange, blue-purple, blue-green).

According to the figure above, cold colors are on the left side of the color wheel, while warm colors are on the right.

The three basic cold colors are blue, green and violet (or purple), and the tertiary colors that arise from the mixture between them, namely: red-arroxed, blue-arroxed, blue-greenish blue.

Similarly, the warm colors have three main ones, i.e. red, yellow and orange, in addition to the corresponding tertiary colors that the mixture: red-orange, yellow-green, yellow-orange.

List of cold colors 

Cold colors are often relaxing colors: studies of color and people's response to exposure to these colors tell us that, unlike yellow and red, they tend to "energize" the person who observes them on the rise. The heartbeats, the cold colors make us relax. These are colors that give the impression of a room larger than it really is and are able to give elegance to the environments. When you decide to use a cold color to paint a wall, it will be important to consider the light, taking care not to choose a too dark cold color for a room with little light: in the depths of the sea, you know, you don't see much.


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