The meaning of colors

The meaning of colors is due to individual experiences, defined by the effect and psychology of color on our state of mind and the symbolism given to it by society in its cultural and geographical area. Therefore, we cannot talk about the meaning of color without mentioning its involvement in language, its role in our society, our customs, our conventions and our beliefs. In fact, each color associates messages, values, symbols and meanings that communicate and transmit precise messages.

The concept of color psychology is well known and examines how our brain perceives everything we see. Agree to this field of research, colors can influence our emotions and our minds. So that they can improve our mood, calm or stimulate us and produce pleasant or negative feelings. In the world of marketing, for example, the influence of colors on our brains is used both to arouse our interest and to influence our decisions. In this sense, in extreme cases, colors can even be used to manipulate our subconscious mind.
The meaning of colors

Colors and Emotions

¿Do colors affect our lives?

Experts have different opinions when dealing with the meaning of colors. Many psychologists believe that colors have an influence on the subliminal senses that influence our thinking and reason. They also coexist with general symbolic meanings that may vary in certain cultures and countries.

According to some psychologists, color perception is closely linked to personal tastes and preferences. Consequently, a color cannot be interpreted as having a general symbolic meaning. However, people who believe in the psychology of color include not only esotericists, but also successful business people and marketers whose marketing campaigns are based on positive colors. Research has shown that there can be a connection between the colors and products we choose as consumers.

According to other therapists, each color has its own vibration, which affects people's psyche, moods, and emotions. By analyzing the choices of different colors, we can discover more about our own personality and that of our peers. In addition, we can learn to use individual colors to our advantage. For example, some colors help to increase our concentration. Warm colors stimulate the body and mind, while cold colors calm the body and mind.

The influence and importance of individual colors

All colors are based on the three basic colors red, yellow and blue. Colors, such as orange, green or purple, are formed by mixing these primary colors. In addition, there are countless colors and shadows, called tertiary colors, which are the result of a combination of primary and secondary colors.

Meaning of colors and their effects

Black and white are in a separate category, and some scientists, psychologists, and artists don't even recognize it as true "colors. However, they play an irreplaceable role within the color spectrum because they are used to mix new colors and nuances.

Characteristics of the Colors

  • Dimensions: Depending on the color being used, you may have the feeling of a wider environment or a smaller environment.
  • Weight: Colors can make seemingly heavier or lighter objects.
  • External ill: basically absorbs part of the light it receives and ends up reflecting the other.
  • Temperatura: inconscientemente, puede imprimir la idea de calor y frío.
  • Symbolism: they represent a totally subjective symbolism, so they can represent something that varies according to their experiences.
  • Emotion: colors play a direct role in our psyche, because from them we can activate different sensations.
  • Memory: closely linked to emotion, color can refer to a lived experience or a specific point in your life.

  • Classification of colors

    Secondary colors

    The secondary colors are formed by the mixture of two primary colors. The secondary colors are green, purple and orange.

    Meaning of the secondary colors

    Blue mixed with yellow gives rise to green. Blue mixed with red gives rise to purple, and red mixed with yellow gives rise to orange.

    Tertiary Colors

    Tertiary colors result from mixing a primary color with one or two secondary colors. They are all other colors, such as brown, which is the mixture of yellow or red with black.

    Meaning of tertiary colors

    Neutral colors

    Neutral colors are used to complement a desired color, while neutral colors have little reflection. Neutral colors include white, grey and brown. White is light without color, black is the absence of color and grey tones are the mixture of white and black.

    Meaning of neutral colors

    ¿What do the colors represent in the business and workplace according to the meaning of the colors?

    Colors assume great importance in communication. They cause psychological and emotional effects on us and therefore have the ability to influence people. Therefore, we can understand why it is so essential to know what to use and how best to use it in our business or work environment by studying how the meaning of colors works.

    meaning of colors in the human

    However, before choosing the combination of colors to be used, it is good to know exactly the objective of the people we want to address, the expectations we raise or, if we are talking about a working environment, the real needs dictated by the context. With this small guide we want to show you which are the main psychological and communicative skills of the meaning of the colors and help you to present them correctly in your context and to achieve the desired effects.

    Meaning of the color red

    Meaning of the color red

    Of all colors, red attracts the most attention, so it is often used as a warning sign. Red is associated with energy, passion, love, desire, sexual energy and desire, as well as war, danger, power and determination. It has a stimulating effect and is often used on flags to represent the pride and strength of a particular country.

    According to research, it increases metabolism, accelerates breathing and increases blood pressure.

  • + Valor, fuerza, energía, lucha, entusiasmo, amor, pasión.
  • - Attack, war, danger, challenge, challenge.

  • Personality type: Red is the favorite color of selfish, energetic and creative people. These people tend to have a supernatural temperament, are explosive and occasionally effervescent. Therefore, the color red is not suitable for places where people are resting or waiting (eg waiting rooms for dentists, hospitals).

    Indicated instead for reception areas, fast food restaurants, pizzerias, rest areas (e.g. coffee area in a working environment), gyms, dance schools. Another important ability of the red color is to make perceive the warmest environment, of a higher temperature.

    Meaning of yellow color.

    Meaning of yellow color

    Yellow color is associated with youth, joy, happiness, intellect and energy. The brightest color perceived by the human eye triggers a sensation of warmth, awakens joy, stimulates mental activity and generates muscular energy. Yellow is a color that attracts a lot of attention, making it a popular color for taxis and high visibility jackets.

    Besides, yellow means honor and loyalty. In darker and less pure tones, however, it can be associated with fear and cowardice. In English, "yellow" is colloquially used to describe someone as a coward. According to psychologists, it is the color that causes the strongest emotions. A light yellow tone raises the mind, while darker tones can cause worry, anxiety, and sadness. Too much yellow can cause repellent reactions in people, and several studies have even shown that young children cry much more intensely in rooms painted yellow.

  • + Optimism, self-confidence, emotional strength, happiness, cordiality, honor, fame.
  • - Irrationality, anxiety, depression, anxiety, emotional weakness.

  • Personality type: Yellow is the color of natural, determined and energetic people with a certain amount of eccentricity. It always belongs to the range of warm colors. In a softer way than red, it maintains its stimulating and recharging effect. Yellow is the color with which we perceive sunlight in broad daylight, awakening joy and vitality. Often used to draw attention to windows.

    Excellent in the workplace because it stimulates visual memory and concentration according to interpretations found in the meaning of colors.

    Meaning of orange color

    Meaning of the color orange

    The orange color is a combination of the energy of red and the joy of yellow. Orange is synonymous with youth and fun. It is a radiant and warm color, which is associated with joy. In addition, Orange embodies fire and sun, but also entertainment and the warm tropics. This color also symbolizes enthusiasm, fascination, luck, creativity, determination, attraction and success. Orange is considered the color of friendship and family.

    Orange color has an encouraging and stimulating effect, increases the supply of oxygen to the brain and stimulates mental activity. It is a very popular color especially favored by young people. It combines with healthy food, increases appetite and has a positive effect on our digestive system and our heart. A darker shade of orange is the symbol of autumn.

  • + Fun, joy, friendship, family, well-being, food, warmth, security, will, triumph.
  • - deprivation, frustration, carelessness, immaturity.

  • Personality type: orange is associated with innovative people who have high goals and ambitions and want to try something new. It tends to communicate warmth according to the meaning of the colors.

    Stimulates physical activity and interpersonal relationships. In marketing, it is the color that "leads to action", ie calls the consumer to decide (buy, sell, subscribe)

    In its light shades, it can become the most suitable color for offices, as it creates a dynamic but intimate environment.

    Meaning of green color

    Meaning of green color

    Green is naturally associated with nature and health according to the meaning of colors. It also symbolizes harmony, freshness and fertility. The green color should have a healing effect and calming properties. The human eye can perceive green particularly easily. Dark green is associated with money, banks and finance, even the darkest tones are associated with military force.

    According to the psychology of color, green creates a balance between heart and mind, between emotion and reason. It is also the color of spring, growth, renewal and rebirth. Green regenerates and restores lost balance and energy while having the ability to reduce stress.

  • + Harmony, freshness, peace, relaxation, health, purity, balance, recovery, independence, productivity.
  • - boredom, stagnation materialism, property.

  • Personality type: green lovers are nice people who enjoy strong emotions and courage. They also have sophisticated organizational skills.
    To speak of the meaning of the green color is to speak of a color that represents permanence and stability. It belongs to the colors of medium wavelength. 

    It sends the body a sensation of neutrality according to the meaning of the colors, neither stimulating nor reassuring. In fact, green tends to be relaxing precisely because of this characteristic. It is the color least tired of perceiving for the human eye according to the psychology of color and interpretations given by the meaning of colors.

    Ideal in waiting rooms, in administrative offices as it favors order and accuracy. Avoid in spaces that are too small or poorly lit because it can give a sensation of spettralità.

    Meaning of the color blue

    Meaning of blue color

    Blue is the color of the sea and sky, which is associated with depth, stability and intellect. Blue is the color of our mind and symbolizes resilience, trust, loyalty, wisdom, certainty, faith and truth. Pale shadows have a calming effect on our psyche and improve our concentration. The darker blue stimulates light thoughts.

    The blue is a symbol of clear, direct and clean communication. On the contrary, some nuances can be very cold, insensitive or hostile. According to various surveys and polls, blue is regularly voted the most popular color.

  • + Intelligence, communication, trust, peace, harmony, security, faith, respect, glamour, empathy.
  • - lack of love, lack of feeling, indifference, complexity.

  • Personality type: blue is generally the favorite color of romantic souls whose beliefs are based on family ties and spiritual awareness. A "blue" person may be somewhat conservative, but on the other hand he or she is reliable and trustworthy. Widely used in financial activities such as banks, insurance, among others, because it evokes a state of trust, security. 

    It helps to combat tension, thus creating serenity. Used together with white, it helps to improve dialogue and social relations according to the meaning of colors. The color blue is recommended for changing rooms or environments of high stress. To avoid it instead in the reception areas.

    Meaning of the color violet

    Meaning of the color violet

    Violet is a combination of the stability elements represented by blue and red. It is associated with noble descent, so Lila has been the color of the royal family and aristocracy since Roman times. It symbolises power, nobility, luxury, ambition, wealth and extravagance. It is also known as Intelligence and Wisdom, Dignity, Independence and Creativity.

    The color purple is also the color of mysticism and magic. It is used by rich people, kings and rulers to demonstrate their power, but also by magicians and sorcerers. For example, it is associated with the deep secrets of the universe.

  • + spiritual awareness and power, authenticity, truth, quality, sublimity, creativity, clairvoyance, wisdom, truth.
  • - introversion, decadence, oppression, subordination.

  • Personality Type: People whose favorite color is purple often spend a lot of time daydreaming, are creative and innovative, but also enthusiastic and passionate. In addition, they are generally more introverted. It promotes reflection, the balance of the mind according to interpretations given by society in the meaning of colors. It creates dignity and reverence.

    In its lighter tones, such as violet, it is used whenever you want to create a dignified environment, such as places of worship, meditation, prayer. Or conference rooms. Often, in marketing is associated with beauty products, anti-aging or care of the person. Therefore, also recommended for beauty centers, beauty salons, hairdressers.

    Meaning of pink color

    Meaning of pink color

    Because pink is a red tone, it also affects our psyche, although it has a more calming effect than stimulating red. Pink is a color with a strong psychological influence and represents the color of friendship and compassion. helps and relieves pain. Too much pink can be physically exhausting and can also be associated with weakness.

    Pink has some of the characteristics of red and white: while red evokes love and passion, white softens it a little. Pink is tender, intimate, fascinating and even a little sentimental. Psychologically, this color is a sign of hope and inspiring and positive dreams.

  • + physical well-being, femininity, love, sexuality, affection.
  • - mental claustrophobia, weakening, physical weakness, restraint.

  • Type of personality: this color represents a romantic and sensitive soul that loves everything beautiful and has a special sense for aesthetics. People whose favorite color is pink, like the attention of others and want to be sought. Sometimes they are not practical and can be very confident.

    Pink is the color of femininity and romance. It is used to emphasize the idea of delicacy and sensitivity. In the marketing of specific products for the female gender, especially at an early age. It is used especially in environments directed and reserved for women. Helps to stimulate sensitivity, especially suitable for early childhood settings.

    Meaning of fuchsia color

    Meaning of the fuchsia color

    Color with a very strong impact, particularly used to arouse curiosity, especially by companies working with graphics and advertising. In environments where it is presented, it has the ability to capture and stimulate attention according to the interpretations given by society on the meaning of colors. 

    It generates a feeling of fullness, fulfillment and self-esteem. It expresses idealism in its highest form. Its immediacy leads us to use it with weight and reserve it for more details.

    Meaning of brown color

    Meaning of brown color

    Unlike the pink color, the brown color in the meaning of the colors is tendentially masculine. It is used to highlight products and genders aimed at a particular type of man (leather accessories, sporting goods, all-terrain vehicles, etc.).

    In its shades, it is also the most suitable color for rustic environments: trattorias, taverns, breweries. This very elegant shade, in its most intense colors, has been used in recent years to recall the idea of fragrance and taste, for example, in selected coffees, chocolates or confectioners. It is the color of realism, perhaps because it reminds us of the color of the earth.

    Meaning of the color white

    Meaning of the color white

    While black absorbs everything, white is the opposite, because it reflects everything, just like a mirror. It refers to purity, faith, light, deity, innocence and untouchability. White is also considered the color of perfection, which symbolizes morality and high ideals. White is generally associated only with positive things. For example, it can be a successful start, like a blank sheet of paper where everything is possible.

    White is the color of peace and kindness according to interpretations of the meaning of colors. However, the increase in morality associated with it can, in some cases, cause negative emotions. White can also sometimes represent sterility and coldness.

  • + Purity, innocence, clarity, simplicity, sophistication, hygiene, efficiency.
  • - Sterility, cold, barriers, hostility.

  • Personality type: if white is your favourite color, you are a sincere, self-confident and balanced person. You would rather trust in yourself than rely on others. People who prefer white tend to be strong and independent.

    Recommended for all situations in which we want to convey the idea of order, cleanliness, transparency. Suitable for activities that deal with bedding, or for activities related to ceremonies such as weddings, baptisms, among others.

    Meaning of color gris

    According to interpretations given by society, the meaning of colors is related to a color that expresses formality, seriousness, professionalism. Ideal for law firms, notaries and for those who must appear distinct and formal.

    Particularly used in the fields of computer science and technology, along with certain shades of blue. Thanks to its refinement and easy introduction, it is often used by architects and interior designers.

    Meaning of color black

    Meaning of color black

    The color black is associated with power, elegance and formality according to the meaning of colors, but also with death, evil and mysteries. It is a mysterious color that is associated with fear and the unknown, and often has negative connotations. Black means power and authority and is considered a very formal and noble color that is associated with prestige.

    The color black absorbs everyone else, which means that from a psychological point of view, it sets limits because it absorbs all the energy that comes to it.

  • + Elegance, timelessness, sophistication, emotional security, charm, efficiency.
  • - oppression, lack of love, threat, exploitation.

  • Personality type: lovers of black always find something they don't agree with. They are strong and persistent. They can also be quite reserved and often have an unusual hobby. As white is a color that has the sense of absolute. It also expresses protest and rejection, even everything that compels it. It is also the color of intolerance, of mystery.

    It has the ability to attract. It is the color of the night, and is often used in environments such as discotheques, nightclubs, configurations related to shows or music.


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